The nose goes with - new car smell at Seat

It is very special: you sit in a new car and have this cozy feeling. This feeling that you get when you buy new shoes or get a new haircut. You feel totally inspired and you don't want to miss this moment anymore. It is very similar with a car: you have picked up your new darling from the dealer, carry out the maiden voyage and are like in a trance when you go to the garage at home. The feeling evaporates quickly, especially if you constantly drive a new car. There are many reasons for this, for example because you drive a rental car for work or get a business car. But behind the smell are not just new components, but a lot of development and expertise - of course Seat knows that too.

It is very similar when getting to know new people. You build on the first contact, the much-quoted first impression. Very few people know that there is a chemical process behind it. In a fraction of a second we decide completely subjectively whether we like someone or not. Of course, this is also the case when you board a new car. Gone are the days when the new vehicle stank terribly of plastic and caused migraine attacks after a three-minute drive. This is ensured by the chemists, such as at Seat.Seat-Smell-Models-Smell-2016-My-Auto-Blog (1)

Depending on the manufacturer, the perfume of a vehicle should be the same in all models and neutral, if possible. To ensure that this is the case, lengthy tests and trials are carried out with the derivatives. This is how every seat is put into the oven for an odor test: Here the vehicles are heated to over 60 degrees Celsius. Only at these temperatures are all the smells released from the textiles that can create a pleasant or annoying "scent". In addition, such degrees are not uncommon in the vehicle: when the windows are closed, many an interior becomes a sauna in summer. The development of a uniform smell for all models is particularly exciting because the same materials are not used everywhere. The, mostly cheaper, small and small cars carry a higher proportion of hard plastic, while softer and better materials are used with increasing prices. Nevertheless, every interior should have the same touch.

But there is no set measurement method or even corresponding instruments for this. No, only the chemists' noses are decisive whether a Seat is well received or not. Accordingly, the demands on the staff are not exactly low. Smoke? Turns out because the tobacco pleasure affects the sense of smell. Perfume? Also no report. Nothing should falsify the smell - not even a deodorant. You must be able to smell your colleagues really well, especially in summer.

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