Outlander PHEV: Because CO2-free is part of everyday life

As a car blogger who now makes a living from car journalism as his main job, my free time is really limited. Always on the move, new topics, new cars - and much of it is presented in the strangest corners of the world. So the car journalist is largely traveling more than driving new cars. So being at home is “quality time” and for me that also means being able to travel in our family SUV.

CO2-free at leisure

This weekend (yes, this article comes one day late) it was time again. The family and the dog packed in the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV and off to leisure. One of our favorite destinations is the game park in Heigenbrücken. Still in the middle of the Spessart the game park arranges a free enclosure for boars and Dammwild. A few goats are also on site;). And next to the game park there is a climbing forest and a large children's playground. Including a stream and a small book on which there are on nice days coffee and cake. In short: the ideal near-recreation. The route from our front door to the wildlife park? 21.3 kilometers.

So that's a route there and back that we should be able to do purely electrically. You always have to be honest and state the electrical range of the PHEV in the NEDC cycle and you definitely have to plan for a “delta”. According to the NEDC, the Outlander PHEV should travel 52 km purely electrically. For everyday life you should plan 40 kilometers. And that makes the wildlife park on Sunday quite a challenge.

Electric in everyday life

With Eco-electricity in the kindergartenWe actually do it every day. Purelektrisch for shopping, also a standard task for the PHEV Outlander. With the Outlander PHEV on vacation and save anyway? We already had the topic. With the Outlander PHEV electric and CO2-free in your free time? That too is possible!

CO2-free for wild boar

Of course you get used to PHEV driving around. You do not drive last groove, you use the gas pedal more sensitive. But with toddler and dog on board the cornering speeds sink anyway in general.

The battery is easily enough for the trip to the wildlife park. The journey back will be exciting. But here too, the “power consumption” can be influenced, provided you have a sensitive throttle foot.

We achieve the greatest range success when the recuperation level is set to “zero”. This means the SUV weight of the Outlander can be used to an advantage. Simply let off the accelerator earlier and the Outlander will roll. The fact that we are traveling with 2 tons is an advantage. Once in motion, the SUV rolls through the landscape using the power of its kinetic energy.

0.0 liters? Also this Sunday, the consumption indicator of the Outlander PHEV. And that just makes me feel good. CO2-free for wild boar? It works.



[=” ” ]Do you have any questions about the Outlander PHEV? Do you have any questions about everyday life with a plug-in hybrid? Write to me!



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