Build Porsche engine yourself! How to make it on time until Christmas.

“Wouldn’t you like a Porsche six-cylinder boxermo…?” 

The sentence was hardly pronounced, the answer was already clear: Yes, I want. Convincing as before the registry office with the dream woman. Yes, I want a Porsche six-cylinder boxer engine. In every size. And so the good piece came a few days later by mail.


290 parts for long winter evenings

In the scale 1: 4, the Assemble own Porsche boxer engine. With 290 components, the kit becomes an exciting activity for long winter evenings. Okay, we put the engine together in just under 2.5 hours, but - you could have taken more time.

A transparent model with sound and light effects, with moving pistons and valves. A functioning ignition distributor sends virtual sparks into the combustion chamber, the pistons move within their sockets, and the legendary sound of the air-cooled boxer engine sounds.

The replica embodied a 2 six-cylinder from the year 1966 and explained while assembling playful at the same time the basic functions of an engine.


Video reportage for the crafting evening

Engine Workshop :::: We build a six-cylinderDo classic engines have a future? Outlook and review of the engine technology.

Together with Fabian Mechtel from, I have the construction of the boxer engine in a live circuit on Facebook transferred. So if you want to look at how the setup went, you should watch the video. Unfortunately, after about 90 minutes, the technology briefly went on strike, so that's one part II and III became necessary.

Anyone who watches the videos will quickly realize that it is exactly the right gift for petrolheads and nerds. Yes, you can use a little more fine-tuning when assembling, and even if no additional tools are “actually” necessary - I recommend at least taking a pair of side cutters and a small file on hand.


The manual, a highlight!

A highlight of the kit is not only the operation, once assembled, but the lovingly illustrated and detailed manual. You learn a lot about the history of the 911 Porsche and also about the people behind the boxer engine. It's a great Christmas present, point!

The model was provided to me free of charge by FRANZIS. The live video and the article are free and without interference from the publisher arisen and not paid! The model is really cool! 

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