Perfectly equipped in the green hell

The 24-hour race at the Nürburgring has more weather surprises to offer than any other car race in the world. Ice cold rain, hail, heat phases and opaque Eifel fog alternate in almost any order. It's good if you don't have to spend the nights in a tent, but in a warm and dry bed with enough opportunities to relax for a few hours. This year, too, the weather gods were not particularly gracious. Heavy rain and heavy rain have alternated throughout the night.

Sleep in green hell, like in seventh heaven

I spent my 11th 24h race in my camper for the first time. For the first time, very close to the action, but not in the tent, not in the trunk or in a hotel room, but in the Knaus SKY Ti 700 MEG.

Of course the heavy rain is pattering on the outer skin of the motorhome, but you just stay comfortably in the warm and dry. Quite different from colleagues who slept in the tent. When the weather is so bad, the tent is sometimes full of rainwater - your feet are cold, your clothes get wet and you can no longer think of a good night's sleep.

Christian Brinkman Facebook

While my colleague “Christian Brinkman” spent the night in the waterbed, I couldn’t resist commenting on his status message – because of course, not everything is always easy, even in a comfortable motorhome!!

In other words, the night was short, but thanks to the racing break it was only possible at all. And yes - I was delighted to be able to use a Knaus motorhome.

This moving home with shower, refrigerator and comfortable beds was simply a blessing - I will give a detailed presentation of the Knaus SkyTI 700 after the active one N24H coverage replacement delivery!



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