The giants of the charging parks

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EnBW is planning a mega charging park at the Kamener Autobahnkreuz in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is to become the largest charging point in Europe. With 52 HPC charging stations (High Power Charger) and a charging capacity of up to 300 kilowatts, this project is setting new standards. In addition, EnBW is planning hundreds of together with the Rewe Group Charging stations to build in front of supermarket branches. Other notable charging parks These include the Kamen Karree loading park, Hilden motorway junction loading park and Zusmarshausen A8 loading park. During the waiting period, these charging parks offer a range of services, including toilets, WiFi hotspots and, in the future, expanded gastronomic offers. The electrification of mobility in Germany is in full swing and these charging parks are an important step towards a greener and more sustainable one Future.

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