The checkbook of a used car is so important

In some ads for the sale of used cars one often reads from "checkbook maintained". A checkbook proves that all necessary maintenance work has been carried out. Presenting a checkbook is not mandatory, but it has advantages. The following article provides information about: This is how important the checkbook of a used car is.

The checkbook - the figurehead of a car

Buying a used car is basically a matter of trust. Especially when the car is sold by a private individual. A meaningful mileage has lost its meaning through fraudulent behavior. The checkbook is then a possible safeguard.
The checkbook can also be seen as a car's calling card. The manufacturer's specifications about the maintenance carried out are entered in it. The time windows in which vehicle maintenance is carried out ultimately depends on the vehicle model and the load.

Full service history - what does that mean when buying a used car?

All services are listed in the checkbook.
For example:
- oil change
- inspections
- Air filter change
- Toothed belt change
- be changing the brake fluid.

This work should be carried out at certain intervals. This can be after a certain time window or after a certain mileage. You can view the checkbook, but you can also see it as a medical record of a car. There is information about treatments carried out on the car. If all services have been carried out correctly according to the manufacturer's specifications, the vehicle can be offered as a service book. With the work carried out in the checkbook, the car is certified in good technical condition and is therefore a very good selling point. There is also a legal meaning that is even binding on the seller.

Checkbook maintained a matter of interpretation?

Checkbook maintenance can have a legal meaning, but it is actually not a legal term. Therefore, car buyers should ask exactly what it is all about. It could well mean that the work is listed in the checkbook. Nevertheless, it should be checked whether the inspections and maintenance have actually been carried out. This is particularly important when it comes to guarantee services that require services to be proven.
If the seller's statement is not truthful, a material defect can be assumed. This could be irreparable damage, for example, which allows you to withdraw from the purchase contract immediately. However, a possible replacement delivery of a comparable car would also be possible, as long as it is maintained in the checkbook. A reduction in the purchase price or compensation would be possible. It is very important to have a used vehicle checkbook.

How does the buyer recognize a fake checkbook?

Manipulations are not only carried out on the mileage, but also on the checkbook. Such a fraud comes to the buyer's attention when he checks all entries and, if necessary, compares them with other vehicle specifications. It is therefore very important to have a checkbook for a used car that can withstand precise information.
You should check:
- When and who carried out which inspections and maintenance
- All entries should have a stamp and signature
- the information is complete
- the page number is correct
- the registered kilometers should be consistent
- The dates of the maintenance work carried out should match those in the engine compartment and on the door pillar
Under certain circumstances, you can involve a knowledgeable and trustworthy person.

The checkbook is lost - what should be done?

Basically, there is no checkbook requirement. No driver needs to have such a document. However, there is no sales-promoting and value-enhancing effect for his vehicle. A complete and complete checkbook not only leads to an increase in the car, but also gives a good feeling.
Of course this is annoying, but it is not difficult to get such a checkbook again. This can be with the dealer or manufacturer.
The checkbook that has now been retrieved must of course contain the previously existing entries. Here you can contact the authorized workshop. The data is often even stored digitally so that it only has to be added later. In such a case, experts advise you to always keep invoices in this regard.

The checkbook of a used car is so important
The checkbook of a used car, an important part.

Beware of fraudsters

The checkbook of a used car is very important because it increases the value of the car. So there are many fraudsters falsifying the checkbook in this area. Therefore, the service book should be checked carefully. If the stamp and signature are exactly the same, there may be a forgery. Even a booklet with a lot of stamps without signature can indicate fraud.
Therefore, buyers should pay attention to pages that may have been torn out. This is often intended to disguise so-called speedometer manipulation. The check of the last listed mileage should be compared with the actual value. A look into the engine compartment should show maintenance cards. An oil change and other work are recorded on it. If there are already differences compared to the checkbook, you should refrain from buying.
The fact that the falsification of a checkbook is a criminal offense is also punished. In such a case, the court assumes fraudulent deception. The buyer is therefore entitled to compensation. However, a criminal complaint can also arise, whereby a prison sentence of up to five years provides for. A fine is also possible.

The checkbook of a used car is so important - is it possible without it?

If you want to buy a used car and there is no checkbook, the buyer should first be suspicious. As a statement, a lost checkbook is often pointed out, but this is often only intended to cover up a fraud. However, if the private seller or the dealer can show the original invoices for the maintenance work carried out, buying a car without a checkbook does not pose any danger.

And finally ...

  • It is not mandatory to have a checkbook for your car.
  • Checkbook maintenance increases the value of the utility vehicle.
  • The term is a legal term but legally binding.
  • A replacement checkbook can be obtained from the dealer or manufacturer. The Internet also offers a possibility.

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